Tuesday, August 09, 2005

The Backstroke of the West

A long, long time ago in a country far, far away the Chinese were busy translating a Chinese version of Revenge of the Sith into English. Wrong, wrong do it they, but laugh we all.

The Backstroke of the West

Saturday, August 06, 2005

A day for me

I decided to make this day mine. I slept in, went kayaking at Caples Lake in California, hunted down some new campgrounds, shot some pictures, ate a turkey and swiss on rye in Genoa and am now ready to take a nap. My day. All mine.

Hi Heath! Good luck!

Friday, August 05, 2005

A special place in my heart for dorks

The Dungeons & Dragons player, the A/V geek, the scifi nerd, the gamer ... all men who have a special place in my heart. It would be a sad, lonely world without the members of the Tolkien Society, the library aides, the bookworms, the teenage boys with the detailed sketches of halberds and samurai swords in their notebooks. Bill Gates, Farmer Ted, Peter Jackson, George Lucas, Napolean Dynamite ... you would all have my vote, but you already rule the world. May the gods of Valhalla keep you safe.