Katrina: Grounds for Impeachment?
Each decision made by this administration has lead to the horrific events on the Gulf Coast. Lack of funding and leadership for FEMA, lack of communication between the state and federal governments and lack of foresight by half the country who voted for the man, has displaced 400,000 people from their homes and carved a huge chunk out of the heart of the U.S. If we can impeach a president for fooling around with an intern, we can toss a heartless, brainless puppet out of the same office.
I couldn't agree more! This is just one example of the price we'll pay for years to come for the poor choice of letting Bush become the Prez.
Heartless......puppet....ouch.....that's a little harsh isn't it???....and then, who would you put into the White House in place of W?....Just thoughts that come to mind.....
Anyone but Cheney...Powell?
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