Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Things Look Bleak

This poster for a graphic design awards show reveals a lot about what is happening to the world. According to the the Mayan Calendar, their world, and ultimately ours is scheduled to end (or at least be affected by a cataclysmic event) on December 21, 2012 at 11:11 a.m. The Doomsday Clock has moved another two minutes to midnight and we are all closer to an earthly disaster. For all of us, things look bleak.

I have noticed a desperation lately that I have not felt in a long time. People working and working and pushing and pushing as fast as possible until there is nothing left. No energy, no life. I have been a victim of the same thing...and I am refusing to let it hurt me. I still hear birds and music, I still smell lemons and rosemary. I will live life to the fullest, to the end.


At 9:36 AM, Blogger Heather said...

Amen to that!! haha Yes, we are both caught in the crazy whirlwind but thank god we know how to step back and slow down!!

At 11:17 PM, Blogger Felix said...

Yes i witness the same craze around me, people are looking to make more money and work like dogs forgeting to breathe properly. I knew someone in the Kootenays who used to breathe deeply everytime her phone rang...


At 12:44 AM, Blogger رضا میرفخرایی said...

i agree with you! we should all do the same, live the true life to the last second of it. itcan be a second later or can be really far away. you never know !


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