Friday, November 05, 2004

Land of the corporation, home of the scared

There is a deep black hole in the pit of my stomach. I really don't know how half of our great country can be so ignorant. George Dubya has run this country on money and fear and the rednecks and moral majority have fallen for it.

In some ways I hope that he screws up so bad, that an impeachment will be in order...but with a Republican congress and house...that will never happen. We will be subject to whatever wims this half-wit Texan has in his tiny brain and we will end up broke and broken.

My husband and I were talking with a German judge last year in Hamburg. He said that the view of the U.S. by the rest of Europe has completely flopped. He said that the U.S. used to be the heroes of the world. Always willing to help out. Now under the Bush regime, we've become the bullies. No one wants that.

I'm getting ready to move to Canada


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